A person receives a short massage during a break at a meeting.
COVID Precautions

We are still taking them.

Still masking up.

Masking after attending indoor events or unsure if ‘body is fighting something’.

Thank you for erring towards care.

Just Embody is open for in-person sessions. The health and wellness of our clients is our highest priority. Because of our commitment to your wellness, we are taking many proactive steps to decrease the risk posed by the COVID-19 coronavirus. 

Please read these protocols in full before your appointment so you know what to expect.

  • When wearing a mask, wear a face covering that covers your nose and mouth. We will continue to err on caution and mask up.
  • There is a list of questions below. If you answer YES to any of them, please reschedule your appointment and do not show up in person. If you have any questions about your symptoms or possible exposure, please do cancel your appointment. There is zero penalty for cancellation—by cancelling, you’re tending to the collective and being proactive to keep our community safe.
  • We want to know if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
  • Fever (at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coughing/sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness in chest
  • Recent loss of smell or taste

You’ll also be asked whether you have, in the last 14 days:

  • Been in close contact (six feet apart or less for more than 9 minutes) with someone who has COVID or who is experiencing COVID-type symptoms

If you answer YES to any of the question above, you’ll be asked to reschedule your appointment.

  • We appreciate your flexibility around cancellations. Given these wild times, we also reserve the right to reschedule appointments for any client who checks in with cold or flu-like symptoms or who appears to be sick. There likely will be times when we will need to postpone work if a previous client is waiting for test results or tests positive.
  • We’re taking precautions, too! We’ll conduct a home health screenings weekly. If we’re experiencing any symptoms that day, we will contact you immediately to cancel. We are taking extra time between sessions to clean and disinfect all surfaces, circulate air, and change all linens on the massage table.
  • If symptoms develop within 14 days after your session, please contact us immediately. We promise to do the same.

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Strength training can energize, keep back pain at bay as well as provide us with many powerful metaphors for our work for social change.